the Torso
Mark Thompson

Despite his appearance on TV, the original B9 robot definitely did
not have a smooth finish on his torso or treadsection. It's possible
to achieve a very similar finish on a replica using products available
at craft stores. These instructions use the torso as an example,
but the same steps are involved in giving a texture finish to any
other robot part.
by making sure you have no flaws in the surface. While the texturing
will hide small imperfections, it won't mask glaring mistakes. After
the surface is primed, spray on one coat of Plasti-Kote Fleck Stone
faux granite finish. This is a water-based product, so it cleans
up with just water. That's a good thing, because the stuff flies
everywhere! Be sure to mask off and cover anything nearby that you
don't want to have a faux finish. Spray in short sweeps and short
bursts. You want to achieve even coverage, but let about 50 percent
of the primer show through. The product has a tendency to collect
in corners, so it's a challenge to go back and even out thin spots
without building it up in other spots. Practicing on another object
would definitely be helpful. Once you have a satisfactory coat sprayed
on, let it dry overnight. The Fleck Stone stays wet for a long time,
so for heaven's sake don't touch it!

The next day, lightly hand sand everything down with a medium grit
sandpaper. The object is to flatten down the surface to eliminate
peaks and points. Don't rub too hard, or you'll take all the Fleck
Stone off and have to touch up that spot. Be careful around raised
trim, but be equally careful to get in the corners so the surface
is as uniform as you can make it. When you're done sanding, vacuum
the whole thing off using a brush attachment and spray on a coat
of primer to seal and provide a base for the paint.
the primer is dry, apply a light coat of your silver paint. Let
this dry and then repeat your sanding routine. This time you can
bear down harder, because the paint will further seal the texture
and create a hard surface. Flatten down the bumps as much as possible
without making it completely smooth, although you'd be hard pressed
to smooth it out completely. You're aiming for something like the
peel of an orange.

After this second sanding, vacuum the surface, spray on a second
coat of silver paint, and repeat the sanding. You'll find that each
time you repeat this, the surface will get better. You can also
move to a finer grade sandpaper if you want. On about the third
cycle of sanding and painting, you should get a texture like the
one in the photos. When you're satisfied with what you see, you're
done sanding. Put on the final coats of paint, and then stand back
and admire your work. If you're doing a second or third season paint
scheme, you'll mask off the chest area and paint with a charcoal

Now you've got a robot with an authentic finish that won't show
the fingerprints of awe-struck admirers!