Light Flasher Circuit
I have to do
things the hard way. Rather than using incandescent flashing
lamps, I built a circuit to flash either LEDs or incandescent lamps.
The basic circuit I used is this:

It's built
around the common 555 timer chip, running in astable mode.
According to this calculator,
it should flash at a rate of 1.25Hz, with an on time of .326 seconds
and an off time of .471 seconds (duty cycle is 40.9%). I originally
had a pair of 100K variable resistors installed in place of the
47K and 68K fixed resistors to experiment with different values
until I got something I liked.
The .01uf capacitor
connected between pins 4 and 8 and ground should be connected as
close to pin 8 as possible. The 10uf capacitor is the tantalum
variety. You should calculate the value of the LED current
limiting resistor according to your LED's forward voltage and current
I built a circuit
on an old Radio Shack prototype board scrounged from my junk box
to run the 12 belly lights and the two chest lights. The belly
lights all use the same value resistors and capacitor, but because
of the allowable tolerance in component manufacture, they all flash
at slightly different rates. I elected to make the two chest
lights flash alternately, but at a slower rate than in The
Reluctant Stowaway.
Belly/Chest Light Controller 
The actual
circuit uses TLC556
Dual CMOS Timer chips, which have two complete timer circuits on
board. While the 556 will provide enough current to drive
LEDs, I ran the timer outputs through a pair of ULN2004A
7 transistor darlington arrays to provide enough drive for either
LEDs or incandescent lamps. The ULN2004A also provides a convenient
pin (9) which you can ground to turn on all the outputs simultaneously,
as a "lamp test". The controller as built used 6
TLC556 dual timers, 2 ULN2004A darlington arrays, and a TLC555
single timer and a CD4013BE
Dual D-Type Flip Flop (for the alternating chest lights). The
speed of the chest lights can be varied by a trimpot.
The schematics
were drawn with Xcircuit,
an open source schematic drawing and capture program, mainly for
the Unix world. It can generate netlists for SPICE and PCB,
another open source program for designing boards.
For the 12
belly lights and 2 chest lights, I used super bright 12V
LEDs in a BA9S miniature bayonet base. They recommend
that you use the same color LED as the lens, so I got an assortment
of white, red, green, amber, and blue LEDs to match my lens colors.
The LEDs have an internal resistor for 12V operation, so all
you have to do is make sure your sockets are wired for center pin
positive, and pop them in. With all 14 LEDs lit, this circuit
only draws about 300 milliamps. If you want to dim the bulbs
a bit, you can reduce the voltage, and it won't affect the flash
Light Rod Controller 
Rod Controller Schematic 
To make the
7 LED lamps on the light rods flash, I put together another controller,
with 3 TLC556 dual timers, 1 TLC555 single timer and 1 ULN2004A
darlington array. This board will be mounted in the brain,
and connect to the light rods through a hole in the brain cup. Please
note that with this circuit, the common connection to the lamps
is the positive side. If you're using incandescant
bulbs, this isn't a problem. If you're going top use LEDs
in the light rods, like I did, you should connect the cathode
to the center pin, rather than the anode.
For more information
about my circuits, including movies and pictures of my home made
LED lamps, see my Electronics
and Electrical page.
Loewen B9-0014