Wisnionski - Wizzes Workshop
since: July 21st, 2003
LED Brain Light Kit
Price: $125 plus shipping
6 to 12 vdc bulbs have been used in the robots brain assembly. This
has been working fine, but there are a few issues with doing that.
Heat being the biggest, as some of us have plastic brains they are
subject to melting if the lamps generate too much heat. To make
matters worse, the clear bubble just traps the heat in. Also, when
a bulb burns out, it is quite difficult to disassemble the head
to gain access to the brain for repair. This LED board set is made
up of 3 PCBs with 32 high intensity LEDs. These lamp types generate
very little heat, and do no burn out anywhere near as fast as a
typical lamp would. Plus they draw less current, and that means
longer battery life.
this online at my web site!
Light Controller
Price: $85 plus shipping
flashes the lamps on your robot with various effects. Power down/up,
Scan and chase plus each effect has a high/low speed setting. There
is also brain mode to use this same controller for the brain, where
two lamps become the 'eyes'. Has Chase Mode, Fast Chase, Slow Normal,
Fast Normal ,Slow Power Down Fast Power Down Slow, Scan Fast, Scan
Slow, Scan 2 Fast, Scan 2 Slow.
this online at my web site!
Large Chest Dialight Flash Controller
Price: $35 plus shipping
Now in stock. I now have a controller available for just the two large B9 chest lights. It has fully adjustable flash rates. It supports voltages from 6 to 24 volts so you can use the standard large bulbs for the dialight sockets and regular flasher bulbs for the rest of the chest.
this online at my web site!