I_B9 Help
I_B9 Desktop - Basic Operation
Starting I_B9
click the I_B9 Icon on your desktop.
Playing a Phrase
a Phrase List in the left hand pane (click the Phrase List to highlight it).
Next, find the desired Phrase in the right pane. Single click the phrase and it
will play.
NOTE: By default, the voice
phrases play through the RIGHT channel, the backgrounds sounds play through the
LEFT channel. (I_B9 uses mono sound files and the software takes care of
routing the voice and background sounds through the appropriate channels.)
Affirmative and Negative
Response Quick Launch Panes
windows are provided for quick access to the Affirmative and Negative Phrase
Lists. To play a phrase in either of these quick launch windows, simply single
click the desired phrase.
NOTE: The Affirmative and Negative Response Phrase Lists
are configured by default to display in the lower two panes. However, ANY
Phrase Lists can be configured to display in these panes on the I_B9 desktop.
change the default list in the Affirmative and Negative panes:
1.) Click the Deactivate
Robot button.
2.) Go to Library à Settings
3.) Click on Affirmative Phrase ID or Negative Phrase ID, then select the
desired list, and click OK.
Changing the Initial Phrase
Phrase List that is selected by default when I_B9 is started is “Fun Responses”,
however any Phrase List can be configured.
change the default initial Phrase List:
1.) Click the Deactivate
Robot button.
2.) Go to Library à Settings
3.) Click on Initial Phrase List ID, select the
desired list, and click OK.
Changing the Power Pack Plug
in Phrase
simulate the Robot’s power pack being pulled, click the Pull Robot Power Pack! button.
To simulate the Robot’s power pack being plugged back in, press the Activate
Robot Power! button.
change the default Power Pack Plug In Phrase:
1.) Click the Deactivate
Robot button.
2.) Go to Library à Settings
3.) Click on Power Pack Plug In Phrase, then
select the desired Phrase, and click OK.
Automatic Mode
Automatic Mode button on the lower right of the I_B9 Desktop is provided to
play phrases automatically when you have to leave I_B9 unattended. To start
Automatic Mode, select a Phrase List in the left hand pane, then click Start
Automatic Mode. The default settings will play the phrases in the list,
in order with 30 seconds between phrases. Note: The first phrase won't start
playing for 30 seconds.
“AUTOMATIC” Phrase List is provided and
populated with all the best I_B9 phrases that stand up well on there own
(non-interactive). However, any Phrase List can be selected, including a new
one you create (see Creating a new Phrase List, below).
Phrase List can be configured to change its default Automatic Mode settings. Go
to Library
à Manage Phrase Lists… and select a Phrase List.
Click Edit List to open the Phrase
List Editor. See More on the Phrase List Editor for details on
changing the Automatic Mode defaults for a Phrase List.
Backgroung Sound Loop
default, the Standard Background robot sounds play through the LEFT channel.
background sounds can be turned off, by clicking the No Background Sound radio
button. To turn the background sounds back on, press the Standard Background button.
.wav or .mp3 sound file can be configured to play through the LEFT channel
instead of the standard background sounds. To change the background sounds
file, click the Custom Background File button, then click Browse, select the .wav
or .mp3 file you wish to use, and click OK.
Creating a new Library
new library can be created by simply doing a Save As from the file
menu, and assigning a unique name. Each Library contains its own unique Phrase
Lists, and Defined Phrases. As long as the sound files (.mp3 or .wav) are not
moved or removed, defined phrases in each Library can be changed, deleted, or
added with no effect on the other saved Libraries, including the Master
recommended procedure to create a new Library is to first open the Master
Library in I_B9. Next do a File à Save As, then type in a unique name, such as “Halloween.ib9”. The new library
is now created, and Phrases as well as Phrase Lists can be added, changed, or
deleted (having no effects on other saved Libraries).
WARNING: Do NOT move, delete, or change any of the sound files (.mp3 or .wav)
that were automatically added to the C:\...\My Documents\My I_B9 Data\Sound
Files folders. This will break defined Phrases in the Master Library, and cause
unexpected results.
Creating a new Phrase List
1.) Deactivate Robot.
2.) Go to Library à Manage Phrase Lists… and the Manage Phrase Lists window opens.
3.) Press the New List Button, and the Phrase List Editor will open.
4.) Type in a unique Phrase List name.
5.) Press OK button to save the empty list, or add Phrases (see Adding
Phrases to a Phrase List), then press OK to save.
Editing a Phrase List
1.) Deactivate Robot.
2.) Go to Library à Manage Phrase Lists… and the Manage Phrase Lists window opens.
3.) Select a Phrase list, then press the Edit List button, and the
Phrase List Editor window will open.
See More on the Phrase List Editor, below.
Deleteing a Phrase List
1.) Deactivate Robot.
2.) Go to Library à Manage Phrase Lists… and the Manage Phrase Lists window opens.
3.) Select a Phrase list, then press the Remove List button, to
delete the Phrase List.
NOTE: Removing a Phrase List does
NOT delete any defined I_B9 Phrases, or .mp3 (or .wav) sound files. There are
NO functions in I_B9 that will delete sound files.
Adding Phrases to a Phrase
1.) Deactivate Robot.
2.) Go to Library à Manage Phrase Lists… and the Manage Phrase Lists window opens.
3.) Highlight a list, then press the Edit List Button to open
the Phrase List Editor.
4.) To add a new Phrase to the list, click Add Phrases to this List button,
and the Select Phrase window will
5.) Select a phrase from the list. (Click Play Selected Phrase to
preview the Phrase)
6.) Press OK button to add the selected Phrase to the List.
7.) Perform more List configuration tasks if desired (see More
on the Phrase List Editor) and click OK to Exit.
More on the Phrase List
· To change the order that Phrases appear in a Phrase
List, click the phrase to highlight it, them click the up or down arrow to move
the Phrase to the desired spot in the list .
· To add a phrase to the list, press the Add
Phrases to this List button, select the desired Phrase from the list,
the click OK.
· To delete a phrase from the list, select it, then
press X.
· Automatic mode defaults can be changed for any
Phrase List.
o If there is no check in the Loop
check box, the Phrase List will play once when selected in Automatic Mode, then
o Check the Loop
checkbox to continuously loop the Phrase List when it plays in Automatic Mode.
o Click Shuffle to play the
Phrases in the Phrase List randomly when the list is selected in Automatic
o When the Shuffle
check box is not checked, the Phrases will play in order when the list is
played in Automatic mode.
o The default pause between
phrases in Automatic Mode is 30 seconds. However this can be changed and set
for all the phrases in the list by entering a value (in seconds to 3 decimal
points) in the Pause Before Phrases: box.
· In the Selected Phrase Overrides box, each
phrase in a list can be assigned its own unique pause (in seconds to 3 decimal
points), that overrides what is defined for the entire list.
· You must click OK to save any changes in the Phrase
List Editor. Please note that no changes
will be permanently saved unless you do a File
à Save, to save the Library.
Defining a new Phrase
Sound files are not Phrases in I_B9. Phrases must be
defined, and can be made from sound files (.mp3 or .wav) as well as previously
defined Phrases. A defined Phrase can also be made up of multiple sound files,
or previously defined Phrases. You can also add the current time, date, day of
the week, or month as well as any number.
1.) Deactivate Robot.
2.) Go to Library à Manage Phrases… and the Manage Phrases window
opens. This window displays the master list of all defined Phrases for this
3.) Press the New Phrase Button, and the Phrase Definition Editor will open.
4.) Type in a unique Phrase ID (this will not display in the main I_B9
window, only in the Manage Phrases window). You should use logical naming
conventions to help organize the Defined Phrases. [Example: Holiday-01,
Holiday-02, etc.]
5.) Press File, Phrase, or any of the other Insert
a Phrase Part buttons to select the pieces that will make up the
phrase. You can use as few as as only one part such as an .mp3 file, or you may
piece together many parts to create a longer phrase. You can also mix files,
and previously defined phrases to make a new phrase.
6.) To add an .mp3 file, press the File button, and the Sound File Information window will
7.) Click the Browse button and select the sound
file (.mp3 or .wav) that you would like to use.
8.) Type the exact verbage of the sound file into the File
Text box.
9.) Click the Play button to hear the sound file.
10.) Click OK
11.) Go back to step 5 if more phrase parts are desired. (See More
on the Phrase Definition Editor)
12.) When done editing the new Phrase, click OK.
is recommended to use .mp3 files rather than .wav files when possible. The much
smaller size of .mp3 sound files will allow the software to load and play them
much quicker, and make I_B9 work more efficiently.
More on the Phrase
Definition Editor
· To reorder the phrase parts, highlight a phrase
part, then use the up and down arrows to move it to a new place in the phrase.
· To edit a phrase part, press EDIT
· To delete a phrase part, press X.
· Press the play (>)
button to play the entire phrase, and the stop button to stop the playback.
· Add a defined pause between phrase parts by clicking
the Silence
button. Enter the amount of time in seconds (and decimals less than 1). The
default is .5 sec.
· Add the current Time, Date, Day
of the Week, or Month by clicking the appropriate
· Add specific numbers with the Number button.
· Click Play on Background Channel check box
to have this particular phrase play on the Background (LEFT) channel.
More on the Manage Phrases
· To edit an existing defined Phrase, highlight the
Phrase, and click Edit Phrase.
· To delete a defined Phrase, click Remove
NOTE: Remove Phrase only
removes the defined phrase, and NOT the sound files (.mp3 or .wav) used to make
up the Phrase. There are NO functions in I_B9 that will delete sound files.
· Clicking Finish will exit the Manage Phrases window.
Adding your own Custom Sound
Files and Making them into Phrases in I_B9
can easily add your own custom recorded sound files to I_B9.
1.) Copy your custom mono sound files to the
following folder:
C:\...\My Documents\My I_B9
Data\Sound Files\Custom
2.) Deactivate Robot.
3.) Go to Library à Manage Phrases… and the Manage Phrases window
opens. This window displays the master list of all defined Phrases for this
4.) Press the New Phrase button, and the Phrase Definition Editor will open.
5.) Type in a unique Phrase ID (this will not display in the main I_B9
window, only in the Manage Phrases window). You should use logical naming
conventions to help organize the Defined Phrases. [Example: Custom-01,
Custom-02, etc.]
6.) Press the File button and the Sound File Information
window will open.
7.) Click the Browse button and select the custom
sound file that you previously copied to the “Custom” folder.
8.) Type the exact verbage of the sound file into the File Text box.
9.) Click the Play button to hear the sound file.
10.) Click OK.
11.) If no more phrase parts are desired, click OK.