Lawrence T. (B9-0615)
in his newly constructed alcove.
Easter time with plush mini carrot
2012 distributing candy indoors at a local college (I'm dressed
as Dr. Smith).
is one of 2 inorganic members of The North Ridge
(Buffalo's local STAR WARS fan club doing public appearances to
raise money for Compass House of Western NY)
I and my robot recently had the opportunity to meet William Suitor,
the Bell Aerospace Jet Pack pilot who filmed flying scenes for
LOST IN SPACE, THUNDERBALL and many other projects.
![](images/images_B90615/Makers Faire Titled.JPG)
Here's a few pictures from a recent appearance at my local Barnes and Nobles Mini-Maker's Fair November 7th, 2015 in Buffalo, NY.
More pictures from my appearance at the local Barnes and Nobles Mini-Maker's Fair November 7th, 2015 in Buffalo, NY.
ONe last picture from my appearance at the local Barnes and Nobles Mini-Maker's Fair November 7th, 2015 in Buffalo, NY.