Lawrence T. (B9-0615)

in his newly constructed alcove.

Easter time with plush mini carrot

2012 distributing candy indoors at a local college (I'm dressed
as Dr. Smith).

is one of 2 inorganic members of The North Ridge
(Buffalo's local STAR WARS fan club doing public appearances to
raise money for Compass House of Western NY)

I and my robot recently had the opportunity to meet William Suitor,
the Bell Aerospace Jet Pack pilot who filmed flying scenes for
LOST IN SPACE, THUNDERBALL and many other projects.

Here's a few pictures from a recent appearance at my local Barnes and Nobles Mini-Maker's Fair November 7th, 2015 in Buffalo, NY.

More pictures from my appearance at the local Barnes and Nobles Mini-Maker's Fair November 7th, 2015 in Buffalo, NY.

ONe last picture from my appearance at the local Barnes and Nobles Mini-Maker's Fair November 7th, 2015 in Buffalo, NY.
